Imagine there was no sun and no moon, there was a natural occuring light in the atmosphere and it was possible for all life to go on as it has... There wouldn't be much to relate points of time to, much at all. Of course, as humans, we would find other things to relate time to, like the cycle of normal human sleep patterns. Time is something which IS there and ISN'T... There's no doubt that it happens, it passes, there is such thing as a history, in a few moments this blog post will have been read... Past tense, it happened, it's history. Yet 'TIME', the word, the measurement, the cycle are all things relative to our planet and the human race. Other planets have different cycles, and would have different measurements...

If time travel were ever to be invented, we would have time travelers around right now... right? Well, while that is a possibility, it's not exactly definite. It's possible of course, that in the future, like in Looper, time travel is outlawed. Or maybe, it's illegal to travel into the past, but even then, there are always people who break the law, and there are always people who will find a way to. There are many conspiracies too, for one example, Charlie Chaplin's time traveler, a woman in a Charlie Chaplin film who seems to be on a phone... There are several possible explanations for this, but check it out and make your own decision...
Something which I believe is that if Time Travel does ever become possible, it will be like a phone, to contact another person, you both need to have a phone. So maybe, to contact another time, both times need both a sender and a receiver node.
Now, several different scientists have several different theories but we have no definite proof that it's impossible. Scientists in Japan have perfected a machine capable of breaking down light and recreating it in a different location. Isn't that amazing? A teleporter! If this were perfected to be able to break down and recreate solid objects we could be looking at our first teleporter, and the first steps towards time travel! (
Well... This was a very long-winded way to tell you that time is an almighty bitch and sometimes, just sometimes, it gets out of hand, sometimes, my obsession with time and organisation isn't enough. Sometimes things happen, unexpected variables in any plan. Plus, I'm still adjusting to working my time around my new part-time job, I have a lot of things to fit into a week... Time with my girlfriend (@PyxiCakes), a movie night with my best friend, a weekend with my father, some graphic design time, some gaming time, my new job and last, and most certainly least, sleep. I sleep about 4-6 hours a night, which once used to be a difficult thing to deal with, but now, being the norm, it's easy to tolerate. This is all down to me getting the most out of my time between 9pm and 3-4am. that's a whole 6-7 hours which would usually go totally unused and, quite frankly, wasted.
However, I've spent a lot of time doing several things other than design work... I've been playing Faster Than Light, a great strategic sci-fi game which is both addictive and practically impossible, I've also been playing Borderlands 2, my creative muse for my current project and I've been paying Dishonored, an amazing new game which just came out. Aside from playing video-games too much, I've been working very hard at improving at my new job.
Well, I guess I'll end this here before it drags on anymore... But thanks for reading!
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