Sunday 26 May 2013


Okay, so this week has been quite uneventful in terms of my schedule, I've had a lot going on and my inability to sleep and constant sleepiness has butchered my plans, so I plan to make a stab at it tomorrow and get back into the swing of things...
I will show you what I have done though, I didnt get much in the way of C# done, as I always had something in the way of my C# hours, I did get quite a bit of 3D done though, I shall show you the body I made using a tutorial (I'm working on the head at the moment):

I also got that picture done I was working on last week, but I'm not pleased with the outcome, my 'clever idea' for the background kind of flopped...

I then started on another piece which I think I'm going to scrap and start on something else, something bigger, I'll show you what I have of that other piece though... 

And that's about it for this week, thanks for reading :)

Sunday 19 May 2013

Daily schedule

So, my friend and I came to the collective realisation that were almost 20, and need to start getting somewhere, so he devised a schedule with blank slots, which we both then filled in... Here is mine:

Recreational time is when I play video games, eat or work-out, Art Project times are when I work on anything from developing my style, to working on freelance projects. C# time is when I learn C# programming language, I'm completely new to this though... And 3D time, which, again, I'm generally new to, is learning to 3D model, obviously... And Account management is what I'm doing right now, filling out blog posts, posting new work to my facebook and my deviantArt and letting my twitter followers know I have a new blog post out...

Here are the fruits of this weeks Art Project time:

This here, is where most of the hours of this week went, into developping this style which I'm trying to perfect, I'm trying to combine the best parts of western and eastern comic styles.... It's a start, I do want the lines to be a bit thinner and I've been told the hair could be more realistic, which I agree with... The rest of my week has been spent working on this piece, which is unfinished, so I blurred it... +10 internets to anybody who can guess what it is before it's done...

In my C# time this week I've learned quite a bit when it comes to basics, such as writing to console, what classes are and all about IF, AND and OR statements. Obviously, I dont really have anything to show you guys as far as this goes just yet, but when I make a functioning programme or have some interesting screenshots I'll share them...

In my 3D time I have actually done a lot, but none of it is finished and it's all just following tutorials, one of the tutorials cut out half-way through so I wont get to finish that one, and the other one I just started, so I'll try and get you some interesting screenshots for next week when I'm a bit further along.

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday 11 May 2013

Still here

So, as some of you may have noticed, I haven't done much lately... much at all, not just artwork... and I really haven't been up to it... Some things have happened and I've lost nearly all my motivation and just been really down...

I have been trying to get some work done, it's just happening slowly, I started a painting-thing of a lobby and started practising figure drawing, which i'll attach below, but other than that I don't have much to share... I really wish I'd had more inspiration when I got the influx of people visiting after Iron Man 3, but this whole thing happened and I've struggled...

OH! I forgot to mention, I've been working on a series of Tees for Geeks, Nerds and Internet Aficionado's, I'll post a few, but to see them all, go to my spreadshirt site: 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Still Trying...

So, a couple of bad things have been going on lately, for one my computer decided to die, which scared the hell out of me and something else a little more personal which is affecting me pretty badly...
Anywho, I havent had much chance to do much work lately, and since the dreadful way 'Dragon Huntress' turned out, I've been greatly discouraged and have scrapped a total of 17 failed attempts of work... The only one that turned out okay, and that I kept AND finished, is this:

It looks quite good, but it's actually pretty far from what I was going for... Anyway, as you can probably tell, it's an android... I've got a little more time now and a few small ideas I can work on, so hopefully you'll hear from me again soon with something more interesting...

Oh, also, not too long after reaching 2,000 views, I reached 3,000! I'd probably be as excited about this as usual, except I know that my views have only increased so much because people are trying to get a closer look at Tony Stark's Iron Man suits from the new film, not because my artwork is any good.