Thursday 27 December 2012

The titans at last!!!

Finally, after quite some tie of promises and waiting, I have finished the 12 titans. This whole thing is building up to be something a whole lot more than intended. But it's awesome none-the-less.
Allow me to show you them, as they are long awaited. One must note, however, that my style has changed and grown much greater. These designs are also subject to changes.

Titan of metals.
Abilities: Total control over metal. Can change it's form and state and can even create metal on a whim. Has an indestructible yet hollow body of an unidentifiable organic metal.

Titan of Air.
Abilities: Total control over air, can whip up a hurricane or a tornado with little effort. Has an elusive and ethereal body of dense air. Which can be dispersed at any moment.

Titan of Water.
Abilities: Total control over water. Can cause waves as tall as mountains in mere seconds. Has a dense blue body of transparent liquid which can be morphed into any shape or form.

Titan of Life.
Abilities: Can bring life to many creatures, but cannot take it. She spends her life at the side of her partner, Concedere. She wanders the earth remotely in the body of a beautiful white Elk.

Titan of Death.
Abilities: Can remove life from many creatures, but cannot restore it. He spends his life at the side of his partner, Annovita. He wanders the earth remotely in the body of a dark, rough-looking Ram.

Titan of Stone.
Abilities: Can control and create all Stone. His body is made of an indestructible granite-like substance.

Titan of Ice.
Abilities: Can control and create ice. Can also lower temperatures to far below freezing. His body is made of an un-melting and indestructible cold and slimy substance.

Titan of Earth.
Abilities: Can control sands and soils of the planet. His body is made of many granules of a razor sharp sand-like substance. He compresses this down to form some-what of a body for himself.

Titan of Fire.
Abilities: Can control fire and cause spontaneous combustions. Can also raise temperatures incredibly high. Her body is composed of magma and flame.

Titan of Time.
Abilities: Can control time and see all possible futures and pasts of any current event. she is wrapped in a strange, untouchable fabric. Like a slow, calm black and blue flame.

Titan of Flora.
Abilities: Can bring life to and create plant-life, flowers, trees, shrubbery, etc. She can also control plants, stem or increase their growth rate to stunning levels and move them remotely.

Titan of Storm.
Abilities: Can control lighting, electromagnetic fields and gravitational pulls.

That's all twelve. I'd like to go on some more about these, but I have very little battery life left and still need to inform my twitter followers.
Keep an eye out for more from me on the subject. It's really turning into something amazing. I'll tell you more when I feel the time is right. for now, enjoy the titans, and please, leave me feedback, here or on my twitter (@TheDblTap).
Thanks for reading.

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