Thursday 22 November 2012


Well, Oh Well, hasn't it been a while?
Well, I'll tell you why.
I moved house. Yep, it took us a week but we moved house above a pub.
That's hardly a viable excuse though because we moved last week... My other excuse is that moving house tired me out big-time and I then had to work for the next 3 nights and my feet swelled to twice their size...
And lastly, I've been working on a huge project, which is the amazing news I mentioned in the post title...
So, I've been trying to get freelance work for a long time, with no luck. I only ever got a freelance job once and that was to do this:

Which, in my opinion, looks great.
But recently I finally got a proper, decent project. My dream job. I'm the illustrator for a comic series. I can't really give anything away because I don't know the rules of disclosure with the person who hired me just yet, but I'll be sure to tell you guys everything I can tell you as soon as I can tell you.

And, there are other things... Last night I did 2 designs which have needed doing for a looooong time. The first of these, The owner of Lovebuzz Clothing ( has been trying to get me to do for quite a while now and I finally got around to it. It's a digital painting of Marilyn Monroe as a scene/hipster girl (I'm not good with social stereotypes so I have no idea what I'm talking about). Here's the design:

I used the recent GTA V posters and artworks as my reference for the style and I actually love it. It looks awesome... If I may say so myself...
And lastly, the other design was something I had to do for the pub I live above. The reason we moved here is because my Step-Father is taking over ownership for the place and he asked me to make this poster.

It's nothing amazing, but still, it's design work so it goes up here.
Alright, thanks for reading :) See you guys again soon! 

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