Thursday 8 November 2012

Blog design!

Just a short post to point out that I have finally put the effort into making my blog LOOK better, which really is a necessity for a graphic design blog...
Just for the sake of the archive, incase anybody come back here reading this post sometime in the future and I have a new blog design, here's a picture:

I'd also like to talk about a t-shirt design brand which my girlfriend's brother owns, it really is a very cool brand and he produces some brilliant designs. Recently, my face was used for one of the designs, taken from a photo of my second hallowe'en costume (excuse the hairy teeth, I wouldn't sacrifice my beard):

So, go check out his great work and buy one of his awesome t-shirts: 
Also, the make-up on my face in the above picture was done by my brilliant and talented girlfriend, who also has a blog which you can find here:
Follow her on twitter, also: @PyxiCakes

And, as for the 'invincible men of iron' piece I've been going on about, there are 6 more suits to draw and I've done the background, so, if I stop playing Halo 4, watching Dexter and generally procrastinating, you can expect it in the next couple of days.
Thanks for reading! :)

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